Visiting arrangements

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Wye Valley NHS Trust

What will happen at my appointment

  • Otoscopy – examination of the ears to identify any wax blockages, infection, etc.
  • Tympanometry – a measurement that tests the condition of the middle part of the ear and mobility of the eardrum by making small pressures change inside the ear.
  • Hearing assessment – see below for further information about the range of methods of hearing assessment for different ages.
  • We will discuss any concerns you may have about your child’s hearing and any relevant medical history or family history of hearing loss.
  • The results of the assessment will be discussed with you during the appointment
  • You will receive a copy of the written report with any results obtained by post after the appointment

Hearing assessments

Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR) testing – 0 to3 months approx.

  • This is an automatic test that is completed while your baby sleeps. Sounds are presented through little earphones that are fitted into the baby’s ears. Sticky electrode pads will be placed behind the baby’s ears and on their forehead; these record how the sound is carried from the ears to the brain via the hearing nerves.

Visual Reinforcement Audiometry (VRA) testing – 8 months to 2½ years approx.

  • Sounds are presented from speakers either side of the room. The child will be shown a lit-up moving toy in a box when a sound is made and they will learn to turn to look for the toy each time they hear a sound. The test aims to find the quietest sounds that your child will respond to. One of the Audiologists will sit in front of your child and quietly play with some toys to try to keep the child’s attention at the correct level for testing.

Freefield Performance Audiometry – 2½ to 4 years approx.

  • Your child is taught to respond to a sound by putting a toy person in a boat or another similar game. The sounds are presented through speakers either side of the room. The test aims to find the quietest sounds that your child will respond to.

Play Audiometry – 3 ½ to 6 years approx.

  • Your child is taught to place a toy person in a boat (or similar game) each time they hear a sound. The sounds are presented through headphones. The test aims to find the quietest sounds that your child will respond to.

Pure Tone Audiometry – approx. 6 years+

  • Your child will be asked to press a response-button each time they hear a sound. The sounds are presented through headphones. The test aims to find the quietest sounds that the child will respond to.

© Wye valley NHS Trust 2024