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Patient information leaflets
Hover the mouse over the area of the foot of interest in order to see the relevant pre-surgery leaflet.

- 1. Patient advice surgery booklet
- 2. Subungual Exostosis removal
- 3. Hallux Interphalangeous correction
- 4. Hallux Clawed Arthritic correction
- Lesser Toe
- Hallux Rigidus
- 9. Hallux Rigidus (Arthritis of Big Toe Joint) Reduction by Cheilectomy Procedure
- 10. Hallux Rigidus (Arthritis of Big Toe Joint) Reduction by Kessel-Bonney Procedure
- 11. Hallux Rigidus (Arthritis of Big Toe) 1st MTP Joint Fusion or Excision Arthroplasty or Joint Replacement
- 12. Hallux Rigidus (Arthritis of Big Toe) 1st MTP Joint Fusion
- 13. Hallux Rigidus (Arthritis of Big Toe) 1st MTP Joint Excision Arthroplasty
- 14. Hallux Rigidus (Arthritis of Big Toe) 1st MTP Joint Silastic Implant
- Hallux Valgus Bunion
- 15. Hallux Abductus (Big toe angled away from midline of the body) Akin Osteotomy
- 16. Hallux Valgus/Rigidus (Bunion & Arthritic Big Toe Joint) Reduction by Excision of Medial Bunion (Silver's Type Bunionectomy or Bumpectomy)
- 17. Hallux Valgus (Bunion) Scarf & Akin Osteotomy
- 18. Hallux Valgus (Bunion) Rotational Scarf & Akin Osteotomy
- 19. Hallux Valgus (Bunion) 1st Metatarsal & Proximal Phalanx Base Closing Wedge Osteotom
- 20. HAV Lapidus type 1st Metatarsocuneiform (Lapidus Type) Joint Fusion and Akin type Osteotomy
- Metatarsalgia
- 21. Metatarsalgia Lesser metatarsal osteotomy - Weil Type
- 22. Metatarsalgia Lesser metatarsal osteotomy - Dorsal CLosing Wedge
- 23. Metatarsalgia Lesser MTP Joint Chielectomy
- 24. Metatarsalgia Lesser MTP Joint Plantar Plate Repair
- 25. Metatarsalgia Lesser MTP Joint Interflex Rod Type Replacement
- 26. Metatarsalgia due to Neuroma excision
- 27. Metatarsalgia Tailors Bunion reduction osteotomy
- 28. Flat Foot Lapidus Type Plantarflexory 1st metcuneiform Joint Fusion for Unstable MC Joint
- Metcuneiform
- 32. Flat Foot - Talonavicular fusion
- Sinus Tarsi
- 35. Flat Foot Abducted Forefoot - Evans calcaneal osteotomy
- 36. Flat Foot - Subtalar Joint fusion
- 37. Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome - decompression
- 38. Flat Foot Abducted Forefoot Medial Calcaneal Displacement Osteotomy
- Heel
- 41. Gastrocnemius Recession - Tendo Achilles lengthening
- 42. Ganglion excision
- Skin
- 46. Loss of Plantar Fat Pad augmentation using GraftJacket
- 50. Revision of Failed 1st MTPJ Procedure with destruction of joint & Short Hallux by Fusion with Autograft From Calcaneum
- 50b. Revision of Failed 1st MTP Joint Ceramic Implant by Fusion with Autograft From Calcaneum
- 50d. Revision of Failed 1ST MTP Joint Implant with Shortening of Hallux by Fusion with Autograft From Calcaneum
- 70. Immobilising Casts - Patient Information leaflet pre-op & discharge & post-op & general use