Visiting arrangements

More information is available on the visiting page

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Wye Valley NHS Trust


Do not attend hospital/clinic if you have COVID-19 symptoms

High temperature, a new, continuous cough, a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste  

Visiting arrangements - updated 17/07/24 

Visiting restrictions updated at the Trust's hospitals. 

The latest information on visiting restrictions, including ward closures that may be in place are listed on our visiting page.

Surgical face masks for staff, patients and visitors – updated 13 March

Staff - staff will be wearing a face mask on a case by case basis/or on personal preference.

Patients and visitors - it is patient/visitor choice regarding wearing a face mask in our hospitals/clinics.  You may be advised if visiting a vulnerable patient to wear a face mask.

If you would like a staff member to wear a face mask when providing your care, please do ask.

We’re urging visitors not to attend hospital if they feel unwell, have a respiratory virus/symptoms, COVID-19/symptoms, or sickness/diarrhoea (unless 48 hours free of symptoms), in order to help protect patients, particularly the vulnerable patients who are in our care.

Outpatient appointments

Outpatients are asked to arrive no earlier than 15 minutes prior to their booked appointment time:

Outpatients can be accompanied at their appointment by a relative or friend if needed.  We do ask that you bring only one person with you, if possible.  

There may be situations in the clinic setting where a relative/friend is asked to wait outside the clinic room whilst a consultation takes place.

COVID-19 vaccination 

Getting vaccinated is the most important step we can take to protect ourselves, our families and our communities against COVID-19.

COVID-19 STUDY - patient data collection

The CCP-UK (Clinical Characterisation Protocol – United Kingdom) is a study that collects information about infectious diseases of public health importance quickly and efficiently in response to potential public health crises. The study was activated in January 2020 in response to the emergence of what was then called Wuhan Flu, which led to the COVID-19 pandemic. Since being activated, the study has recruited over 300,000 patients to the data collection aspect of our study.  

Research nurses and medical students at hospitals across the UK recruited people who tested positive for COVID-19. The research nurses and medical students recorded information on patients’ hospital stay.  Find out more about this study and how data is collected and stored. 

Covid-19 The Road to Recovery video for patients and their families

View a short video by The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy to help patients who are recovering from Covid-19 to self-manage their symptoms with physiotherapy guidance.  This illustrates what people can expect when recovering from Covid-19; reassuring them that it may take time to regain their energy and fitness. It also provides advice on simple measures that anyone can take to ensure the best recovery possible; like keeping active and partaking in low-intensity exercise. Patients who have concerns about their recovery from COVID-19 are encouraged to seek the advice of a Chartered Physiotherapist, GP or other Health Professional, who can provide bespoke advice and support.


© Wye valley NHS Trust 2024