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Wye Valley NHS Trust

Patient portal

We're creating a portal for patients which will bring together all the important information and leaflets that you need in one place.

We're working hard to get the information together to make this as useful as possible and we're aiming to go live with the new patient portal around the end of July.

 Mockup Patientporta 01

What is the patient portal?

The new patient portal is an online platform that allows patients to access information about their healthcare, securely via their chosen device e.g. laptop/phone/tablet.

View a video about the portal by clicking here


What information is available via the portal?

The patient portal provides a convenient way for patients to view;

  • Outpatient appointment details
  • Maxims and Radiology appointment letters and associated leaflets
  • Clinical letters
  • Relevant point of contact – telephone contact for each service
  • My Circle – patients can give permission for family/friends to view info in the patient portal

This is just the beginning of our patient portal journey and more features are planned e.g. questionnaires and messaging.


Who is the patient portal available to?

The patient portal is available to all patients aged 16 years and over.


When will the patient portal be available to patients?

We're expecting it to go live on Wednesday, July 24 2024


Why is the Trust implementing a patient portal?

Overall, patient portals enhance the patient experience by providing convenient access to health information and promoting active participation in managing information about healthcare. This is the start of the patient portal journey and as the features of the portal increase so will the benefits to patients.

Key benefits of the first phase of the patient portal are; 

  1. Convenient access to health information
  2. Privacy and security
  3. Time saving
  4. Empowerment and engagement


How to log into the patient portal

We've created a short video which explains how to log into the parient portal


Creating a patient portal account for patients registered with a GP practicve in Wales

Click this link to view a short video explaining how to set up a patient portal account if you have a Welsh GP


How to view your appointments and appointment letters on the patient portal

This short video explains how to view your appointments and appointment letters on the patient portal


We've produced a leaflet which gives details of the portal which you can download here.


Patient Portal FAQs


What is the difference between the patient portal and the NHS app?

The NHS app is the digital front door for you to access information about your healthcare, whether that is primary or secondary care.

With 33 million users of the NHS app nationally and an uptake of around 50 per cent of patients across Herefordshire GPs, the NHS app is clearly a well-used resource by patients. 

For ease of use, information from the portal e.g. appointment details will be visible in the NHS app.


How will you be notified that they can access the patient portal?

When you receive a new appointment letter you will also receive information about how to sign up to the patient portal.


Is the patient portal secure?

Yes, both the NHS app and patient portal have robust security measures in place to protect patient information. These measures include secure authentication processes and adherence to privacy regulations.


What do I do if I have issues with accessing the patient portal?

Issues with accessing the portal portal can be reported directly to the patient portal supplier, Mindwave:


What if I cannot, or do not want to, access to the patient portal/NHS app?

As a patient you will be encouraged to access information about your healthcare through the patient portal/NHS app where possible as this brings you and the Trust many benefits.  However, if you cannot or do not want to access the information through the patient portal you will still continue to receive your appointment letters and clinical letters via the post.


If you are unable to, or no longer want to log on to the portal, how do you get your appointment correspondence?

There is a mechanism to identify if a letter has not been read through the portal within a set timeframe and this will trigger a manual copy to be sent in the post.


Is the patient portal open to Welsh patients?

Yes, Welsh patients will need to register directly on the portal rather than via the NHS app. Welsh patients are subject to different digital strategies and this does not include the NHS app at present.


Is the patient portal open to children?

No, children under 16 years of age will not have access to the patient portal or NHS app.


What information can patients see in the patient portal?

The first phase will give you access to view;

  • Outpatient appointment details
  • Maxims and Radiology appointment letters and associated leaflets
  • Clinical letters


What are the future plans for the patient portal/NHS app?

The roadmap is clear that many features will be added to the patient portal/NHS app over the coming months/years. This includes:

  • Documents (currently only available in the patient portal)
  • Inpatient and daycase appointments
  • Questionnaires
  • Messaging

© Wye valley NHS Trust 2024