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Medical Education

Medical Education
Welcome to the John Ross Postgraduate Medical Education Centre which is situated on the Hereford Hospital site. In 1967 the centre was purposely built to provide an educational facility for the use of consultants, junior doctors and medical students. The PGMC is closely linked with the Herefordshire Medical Society which hosts an annual Junior Staff Prize Event, inviting abstracts from Junior Doctors to present at June Evening event.
Our Key Responsibilities include:
- Providing a learning environment that is safe and supports learners, helping them to acquire the necessary skills and experience through induction, effective educational supervision, an appropriate workload and time to learn
- Provision of regular protected bleep free teaching time
- Ensuring that you receive good pastoral support with your education and training to enable you to demonstrate good medical practice and achieve the learning outcomes required by your curriculum and as defined by the GMC.
- Continual improvement of the quality and outcomes of education and training by measuring performance against standards and responding when standards are not being met, addressing concerns about patient safety, standards of care and the standard of education and training, thus demonstrating accountability
- Ensuring that education and training is fair and based on principles of equality and diversity
- To guarantee that Educators are trained and appraised to reflect their education and training responsibilities, in line with GMC Accreditation of Educational and Clinical Supervisors.
What we do:
Postgraduate medical education is the continuation of training for all junior doctors including Foundation, Core Medical Trainees and Specialty Trainees.
The Medical Director and Clinical Tutor are responsible for making sure that facilities are in place and opportunities are identified and maximised to support the training needs of medical staff.
The General Medical Council (GMC) influences and shapes postgraduate training and local teaching programmes to ensure they meet the requirements of the curriculum. All junior doctors within our Trust have an educational supervisor whose role is to ensure their trainee develops against good standards expected for their level of training.
Hereford is part of the West Midlands South Foundation School which also includes Trusts in Warwick, Coventry, Redditch and Worcester and within the remit of Health Education [West Midlands].
The Postgraduate Centre is predominantly used for medical education teaching, seminars and events but we also support other healthcare disciplines for teaching and training events and seminars.
"helpful and supportive atmosphere and friendly hospital staff" HEWM QA Visit
Why should I train here?
Wye Valley NHS Trust has a strong commitment to the training and development of all staff. It is a comparatively small well-established teaching hospital with strong academic links with Birmingham University.
We promote a culture of teaching and learning for all our staff, trainees and students to underpin the safe, high quality healthcare that we provide for patients.
Health Education England Quality Assurance visits commend the helpful and supportive atmosphere of the Centre and the friendliness of the hospital staff.
Medical Education has a dedicated team of staff who continually evolve to meet the changing demands of medical education. The focus of this team is to pull together a framework of quality assurance and support to the undergraduate and postgraduate medical staff and students in the hospital.
With a recently completed Simulation suite housing the Simman3G, we are looking forward to enhancing our training provision over the coming months.
John Ross Postgraduate Medical Centre
Wye Valley NHS Trust
The County Hospital
Union Walk
Tel: 01432 364025
Manager: Helen Pryce
Email: Helen